Tuesday, October 28, 2014


"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."            John 1:5

Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song in 1965 called "The Sound of Silence".  The words of the song resonated with a generation that was disillusioned from the Vietnam War, unbridled sex and materialism, and a continual wrestling with the hollow question that never goes away - WHY AM I HERE?  The first verse addressed the familiar face of darkness:

                                                "Hello darkness, my old friend,
                                               I've come to talk with you again,
                                              Because a vision softly creeping
                                              Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
                                      And the vision that was planted in my brain
                                                           Still remains
                                                   Within the sound of silence....

I remember as a youngster listening to the beautiful harmonies in this song and thinking, "This is so beautiful but it's so sad."  Simon and Garfunkel, as so many songwriters of that day, had a gift for pulling back the curtain and revealing the pain of their lost and confused generation but they didn't offer any real answers--because they had none.

Ironically, about the same time this song was being released, the roots of the Jesus People Movement were just beginning to break through the hard cynical ground of the late sixties and early seventies offering hope and life to a generation filled with despair and loneliness.  Many embraced the life transforming message of the gospel while others sneered and watched that train go right on by, choosing darkness and silence over light and life.

It is common knowledge that so often in nature when a poisonous plant is discovered, the antidote to that particular poison is growing very nearby.  How many people perish because they walk right past the antidote to their poison? 

There is a deep spiritual lesson here.  So often the Lord parallels in nature the spiritual truths He is trying to impart to us. 

 Darkness cannot overcome light but light must be chosen over darkness.

John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  Some versions translate the last part of that verse, "...the darkness cannot comprehend it."  Darkness cannot comprehend light.  Light makes no sense to darkness.  When embraced, however, light quickly chases darkness away.  

Darkness is not an old friend--it's a familiar enemy.   It offers no relief to our pain, no answers to our questions, puts no joy into our moments.  It's not welcome.  It's not necessary.

The light of the gospel dispels our darkness if we choose to embrace it.  Don't miss the train.

Friday, July 18, 2014

When I Am Weak....

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."  2 Corinthians 12:10

Weaknesses.  We all have them.  Delighted in yours lately?  No really.  Have you?

The scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:10 that we are not to ignore our weaknesses, pretend they don't exist or matter.  We are not to make excuses for them or blame others for them or wear them like a badge.   We are also not to focus on them and let them keep us from reaching out to the Lord or others.  What in the world then are we to do with the pesky things?

The Apostle Paul says we are to "delight" in them.  Delight in weaknesses?  I don't get it.  Well it certainly doesn't fit in this crazy culture we are living in does it?  The last thing we are encouraged to do is to delight in the areas that we are lacking in.  That would make us, well --vulnerable, wouldn't it?  We certainly don't want to give the impression to anyone that we "can't handle it" do we?  

Actually, there is one person that already knows we "can't handle it" besides us.  He is the One who gave up everything for us.  He is actually waiting for us to tell him how weak we are because it's at that point that He can step in and make us strong through our shortcomings and at the same time glorify himself.  When we recognize our weaknesses we are admitting we need him.  That's ALWAYS a good thing!

Are you like me, tired of focusing on all the things you can't do--or can't do well in your own eyes?  He is waiting for us to trade in our weaknesses for His strength,  to trade our pain for His passion, our confusion for His purpose.  Don't get me wrong.  It's definitely an unfair trade--at least on His part.  But I think I'm smart enough to know a great deal when I see it.  But then, He doesn't offer bad deals, does he?

Feeling weak?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I Am Salt

"You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."  Matthew 5:13

I am salt.  This little phrase has been going over and over in my mind for the last month or so.  Pretty simple, I know, but pretty profound if you stop and think about it long enough. 

 I decided to go back to Matthew chapter 5 and refresh my memory on what it means to be salt.  The first thing that strikes me in this verse is that it says -"You are..."  See that?  It doesn't say, "You should be" or "You could be" or even "You should try to be".  That means I can't just get up every morning and spend time thinking about whether or not I want to be salt that day.  I am salt.  Whether or not I feel salty is not even part of the conversation.  

OK.  So I am salt.  Now what exactly does salt do?  Well I came across several uses or "responsibilities" of salt, if you will:

--Salt is probably the oldest seasoning known to man.  It's been around awhile.  It just is.
--Salt preserves food.  Especially in ancient times, salt kept food from spoiling.  Hmm.  OK.
--Salt gives flavor to food and also to other spices.  Salt brings out the best in what it's added to.  I see.

There's another word that keeps rolling around in my head now that I think fits in here - RESPONSIBILITY.  If I am salt as Jesus said then I have a responsibility to preserve, give flavor and bring out the best in every situation or circumstance that I become involved in.  I don't think these responsibilities will automatically kick in 24/7 just because I'm a Christ follower.  Looks like I need to make some decisions ahead of time about what I will and will not do.

1)  I will not just speak my mind whenever I "feel" like it because - I AM SALT.
2)  I will not cheat when no one is looking because - I AM SALT.
3)  I will not get mad and run away when things don't go my way because - I AM SALT.
4) I will not ride the wagon of self-pity, bitterness and unforgiveness around and around until I am the center of my world (and everyone around me has had just about enough) because - I AM SALT.
5)  I will not pass up an opportunity to do good because - I AM SALT. (see Heb. 13:16)
6)  I will clutch my basket of fruit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and run quickly to Jesus when I sense my supplies are low because - I AM SALT.
7) I will glory in my weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:9) because I AM SALT.

I think I'm catching on.  Don't ask me about pepper.  That's a whole different blog!

Friday, January 31, 2014


"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing:  Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."  Philippians 3:13-14    

I don't belong here.

 Have you ever ended up in a place that you knew you didn't belong?  Maybe through a bad choice or indifference, a failure to plan or chasing after a dream that wasn't meant for you?  Maybe you jumped on the train of anger or unforgiveness or self-pity even when those closest to you and even the Lord himself were warning you not to ride.  Somehow on the way there it seemed like a great idea but soon after your arrival you realized something was wrong--very wrong. 

I can't stay here.

Is there something inside of you that says, "God must have something better in mind for me than this."  Is the Holy Spirit prompting you and reminding you that you were made for so much more?  Are you willing to ignore the comfortable in order to reach for the eternal?  Don't listen to the voices that tell you it's too late or that you've been here too long to change now. 

I must die.

Dietrich Bohnoeffer said, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." Following Christ and maturing in him is a continual process of dying to ourselves.  We have to get that if we really want to be free - if we really want to climb out of our "junk".  It's not about prosperity or self-promotion or claiming this or that.  No!  It's about dying...everyday...dying.

I won't look back.

The old familiar chorus says, "The world behind me, the cross before me.  No turning back.  No turning back."   The world can mean different things to different people.  Maybe for you it's the world system, the culture, it's attitudes.  It could be your past with all it's regrets and disappointments.  Whatever it is--it's gone.  Dwelling on it or refusing to let it go will only cause more pain and frustration.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Paul reminds us that finishing the race requires one thing - focus.  We must keep our eyes on the prize.  Jesus gave everything for us.  From day one his focus was the cross.  We are honored and blessed to serve and follow him.  There is no greater joy than to know that you are right where he has called you to be.  Life is too short to settle for less.

Keep reaching...