Saturday, September 20, 2008

He is Awesome!!

Wow! What an awesome week-end! What an awesome God!!!

Thank you Lord Jesus for showing up at our Women's Retreat this week-end. You grace keeps on amazing us! Thank you for rest, peace, laughter, tears, food, more laughter, more tears. And yes, we all surpassed our allowance of 25, 000 words easily!

We so needed this and more importantly we so need YOU, Lord.

Thank you,
Your girls @ HCF


Diane said...

This is a test.

Diane said...

Leigh Anne: Thank you for your total dedication to all the women of HCF. Your love of the Lord shines through you in all you do for us. The weekend was just wonderful for me, so again "thanks" for the gentle push you gave me to attend. Also, thanks to everyone who was there for just being yourself and sharing your love of the Lord with me and Ginger. She also had a great time and felt totally accepted and loved. I will miss you all at church tomorrow, but see you on Tuesday evening. Be blessed.